Monday, May 08, 2017

#mondaymotivation - keeping attention focused

I posted the graphic below on Twitter a few moments ago, showing my on-going effort to help non-school, volunteer-based tutoring, mentoring and learning programs reach youth in all high poverty areas of big cities like Chicago.
With so much attention focused on local, national and global politics, war, terrorism, as well as sports and other types of entertainment, it's almost impossible to build consistent attention for actions needed to build and sustain mentor-rich school and non-school programs that reach kids in every high poverty neighborhood of big cities like Chicago.

Yet, when I get up every day, and start every week, that's my goal. I've more than 1000 articles posted on this blog since 2005 that show how I try to do this. In most of them I invite others to duplicate my efforts, and do what I do with their own time, talent and dollars.

This is a WE effort, not a ME alone effort. Join in.

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