Wednesday, October 06, 2010

November Network Building Events

The November Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference will be held on November 19 at U.S. Cellular Field. Visit the web site for details and to find ways to participate.

This map shows organizations that 1) attended May 08 conference 2) attended Nov 08 conference and 3) attended both May 08 & Nov 08 conference. You can see more maps like this here.

Conference Capacity from Cabrini Connections on Vimeo.

This video shows how participants value these conferences. We hope you'll join them.

This map shows neighborhoods of Chicago where participants from the November 08 conference came from. On November 17 as part of International GIS Day, the Tutor/Mentor Connection will host a Mapping Solutions event at Webster Wine Bar in Chicago. We will showcase maps as art, and show how they can be used by leaders to distribute resources to tutor/mentor programs in different poverty neighborhoods.

These maps show how Tutor/Mentor Connection is trying to help kids in every high poverty neighborhood connect with tutors/mentors in well-organized, non-school programs.

However, we're a high poverty non-profit and we need your help to increase the dollars we have to host the conferences, produce the maps, and help connect leaders of tutor/mentor programs to each other. Please become a sponsor of the conference, or make a donation to support Mapping Solutions.

Or send a general donation that we can use for these events, and to operate the Cabrini Connections program that is the basis for our experience and commitment.

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